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Auditing, analysis, investigating, and strategising. Defining is the first and most important step towards your new workspace.

Start the journey to enriching your work life here. We lay the foundations.

At Loop, we recognise that each project is unique. We collaborate with businesses to plan workplace relocations, space optimisation, or simply changes for improvement. Our team is agile and adept at tailoring our approach specifically to our clients’ requirements.

We start with a Worklife Appraisal. This comprises data-gathering exercises and involves listening, observing, and understanding your DNA, culture, processes and aspirations. Our aim is to understand key drivers and fundamentally the ‘Why’.

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We identify key criteria through stringent data gathering.

Our appraisal process can be tailored to you. We can delve as deep as required to optimise knowledge finding and business identity. We utilise a variety of tools to determine what works and doesn’t work for you now, resulting in the formation of a robust brief and plan of action.

  • Visioning workshops, Interviews and surveys
  • Workplace assessment, space analysis, auditing, occupancy studies
  • Building feasibility studies, block, zone and space planning
  • Sustainability, ESG, Wellness aspirations
  • Social and cultural definition
  • Local compliance considerations
  • Dynamic budgeting options
  • IT, mechanical, and electrical usage documentation
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Formulating our joint plan of action. We outline the way forward to realising your vision.

Our investigation process identifies key details for each project. It’s in the defining phase that we lay down the granular details that form the structure of the project ahead—a collective plan outlining functional requirements, aesthetics, tech integration, energy use, location, etc.

At the close of our defining and planning stage, we will present you with a detailed plan of action. Our collaborative spirit invites our clients to be involved wherever they can be so we have an aligned vision moving forward.

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